Neonatal Eating Outcome Assessment: Tool Development and Inter-rater Reliability.


eMediNexus    31 October 2017

The purpose of a new study published in the Acta Paediatrica was to define the process of tool development and revision for the Neonatal Eating Outcome NEO Assessment and to report preliminary inter rater reliability. This tool development consisted of a review of literature and observations of feeding performance among 178 preterm infants born 8804 32 weeks gestation 11 neonatal therapy feeding experts provided structured feedback to establish content validity and define the scoring matrix. The tool was then used to evaluate feeding in 50 preterm infants born 8804 32 weeks gestation and 50 full term infants. The results showed that the intraclass correlation for the pre feeding score was 0.71 and the intraclass correlation for the total score was 0.83. From the results it was stated that the total score had good to excellent reliability.

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